Globalization, internationalization, localization
This web page contains links to course material initially intended for students preparing a "Vocational Technical Writing Degree" at the University of Paris Diderot (Paris 7).
Copyright Neil Minkley. All rights reserved
Page content updated on June 11, 2017
Table of contents (.pdf) (updated on June 3, 2012)
Part 1 - Introduction and background information (.pdf) (updated on January 12, 2017)
Part 2 - Editorial, technical and project-management considerations (.pdf) (updated on January 19, 2015)
Part 3 - Case study (.pdf) (updated on January 26, 2017)
Overview + Case study (.pdf) (published on June 11, 2017)
Example of localization project plan
Localization: tasks, resources, durations, schedule (Microsoft Project 2010 file) (.mpp) (updated on June 6, 2012)
Localization: tasks, resources, durations, schedule (Serena OpenProj / ProjectLibre file) (.pod) (updated on June 6, 2012)
Localization: tasks, resources, durations, schedule (screenshot) (.jpg) (updated on June 6, 2012)
Localization: network diagram (screenshot) (.jpg) (updated on June 6, 2012)
Localization: resource sheet (screenshot) (.jpg)
Other resources
Localizing applications and websites (Neil Minkley - Anglais pratique / Practical English)
International English (Wikipedia)
Standard French (Wikipedia)
Français international (Wikipédia)
Language Map of the World (Maps of World)
French-speaking world (Wikipedia)
Anglosphere (Wikipedia)
Anglophone countries and territories (Neil Minkley - Anglais pratique / Practical English)
Rough estimate of British English and American English populations and Internet users (Neil Minkley) (updated on December 29, 2014)
World population by country (CIA)
ICT Data and Statistics (International Telecommunications Union)
World Internet Usage (Internet World Stats)
Top Ten Languages on the Internet (Internet World Stats)
Writing for an international audience (IBM)
Localization Guidelines for Technical Communicators (Thomas Albert - WORDesign)
What is plain language? (Plain Language Association InterNational)
Professional Writing Style (Dr Russel Hirst - University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Simplified Technical English (Specification ASD-STE100 - AeroSpace and Defence Industries of Europe)
Attempto Controlled English (Norbert E. Fuchs, Uta Schwertel, Rolf Schwitter - Institut für Informatik der Universität Zürich)
The international language of ISO graphical symbols (International Organization for Standardization)
Glossary: example 1 (Neil Minkley, for Fronter)
Glossary: example 2 (Neil Minkley, for PM Conseil)
Single-source publishing (Wikipedia)
Structured authoring and XML (Sarah O'Keefe - Scriptorium Publishing Services)
Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Version 1.0 (W3C)
XMetal (JustSystems)
Introduction to the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (IBM)
Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) Version 1.2 (OASIS-standard specification)
About OASIS (OASIS - Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)
Encode your XML documents in UTF-8 (IBM)
Globalization Guidelines - quick reference (IBM)
Translation memory (Wikipedia)
Globalization management system (Wikipedia)
Author-it Component Authoring Solution (Author-it Software Corporation)
Enabling Globalization (Nabil Freij - GlobalVision)
Localization workflow (IBM)
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